Introduction to Trauma Informed Parenitng
Trauma Informed Parenting
At TIP we offer workshops and support for parents, carers, teachers and anyone living or working with children with challenging behaviours due to trauma or additional needs to apply a “trauma lens”. These parenting techniques are for all children. Not only children with trauma. In these workshops our aim is to improve mental health and wellbeing, change generational patterns of behaviour by giving parents and caregivers an awareness of the trauma informed approach and how we can reduce challenging behaviours with curiosity, calm and connection.
Why we set up this Charity
Let me tell you a little about me and the charity TIP, -Trauma Informed Parenting. After fostering for seven years and parenting my own two girls, one with special needs, I am only too aware of the challenges that children with trauma and special needs can struggle with and how little help or support is available. While attending the ‘ACE Aware nation conference, in September 2018 I was introduced to the work of Bryan Post of the Post Institute and his ‘Stress model’. Using his trauma lens techniques changed everything for my foster child, my own PDA (Pathological Demand Avoidance) child and everyone in our home. This was truly transformational, so much so that I became certified in the stress model and feel driven to share this information with as many people as possible. I just wish I had known this years ago.
The work of the charity is in presenting workshops around Scotland and we have already managed to reach thousands of parents, carers and educators with this information. I can evidence the difference this mind set can make and how to put it into practice. The feedback and response has been overwhelming and many attendees report a big difference in their children’s behaviour’s and in their relationship with their children after using this model. We are finding that this information is more relatable when being given by someone who has experienced these challenges first hand and understands the effect it has. TIP can deliver these workshops virtually or in-person, if you can provide the a premises and depending on location
Become A TIP Volunteer
Criteria for volunteers is attending the TIP workshop and 6 months experience as a service user applying the trauma informed Approach
Firstly thank you so much for yesterday’s workshop, I found this so helpful and already feel like this shift in my own attitude has made the world of difference. I know it’s early days but I feel excited by this new way of parenting! His behaviours make much more sense to me now and I feel hopeful, so I am very grateful! I have never been a huge Facebook fan, but I really don’t know where I would be without being initially directed to join a Facebook group by a friend, and info from there onwards has been invaluable.
Thank you so much again for the workshop, it really was amazing and everything has just clicked. Thank you ever so much
I cannot thank you enough, I really can't. This has already changed my outlook and i am really grateful.
***You are literally speaking about my life.
Visit our Facebook Group
After attending a workshop all attendees are welcome to join the private Facebook support group for help to apply these techniques
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